
Hydraulic Dental Chairs and Electronic Dental Chairs

The difference between Hydraulic Dental Units and Electronic Dental Units is often wondered. When it comes to choosing the right dental chair, it is important that you choose a dental chair that meets key criteria such as functionality, desing and comfort. There are generally two types of dental chairs on the market that you can choose from to meet these criteria: hydraulic dental chairs or electronic dental chairs.

While both of these chairs serve relatively the same purpose, they work on different types of technology used to adjust the movement and position of the chair. So what are the specific differences between the hydraulic dental chairs and electronic dental chair?

If you want to know more about the differences between hydraulic chairs and electronic dental chairs, feel free to continue reading below. Also please click here to see Hospitallium’s dental chairs.

Hydraulic Chairs and Electronic Dental Chairs

First, let’s discuss what hydraulic dental chairs are. Hydraulic dental chairs are the most common dental chair models you can find on the market. It uses pumps and valves that circulate the hydraulic fluid that operates the seat and its position. Hydraulic Unitsare known to be less noisy than electronic chairs. This is an advantage.

Meanwhile, electronic dental units have motors instead of pumps and valves to control the movement of the unit. There is a motor that lifts the chair and a motor that tilts the chair. It is more correct to put the chair in a comfortable position as it contains more mechanical parts. However, they can produce more noise because of all the mechanical hum. However, the motors operate at more precise settings.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydraulic Chairs

The main benefit of hydraulic chairs is that they have simpler and easier to use controls. This is because they have control schemes like levers and buttons to operate the chair. Starting, stopping, accelerating and decelerating the movement and position of the seat is simple and easy to manoeuvre.

Hydraulic systems are also advantageous because they can carry large weights very well. This means it has consistency in delivering power no matter what speed it uses. Hydraulic systems are known for their fluid motion and adaptability to large weights.

Compared to electronic dental chairs, hydraulic dental chairs have fewer moving parts, making them easier to maintain. Hydraulic systems also do not generate sparks that can cause potential fire hazards.

While hydraulic systems had their advantages, they also had disadvantages that largely revolved around hydraulic fluid. Hydraulic fluid is known to be dangerous. The hydraulic system itself will not cause a fire, but the hydraulic fluid can ignite if exposed to fire. When using hydraulic fluid, make sure there are no open flames nearby.

Hydraulic fluid is also not environmentally friendly. It is a corrosive substance, which means it can cause health problems if you are overexposed. For this reason, periodic inspection and maintenance of hydraulic chairs is of critical importance.

Dentclass dental unit

Hydraulic Dental Chairs and Electronic Dental Chairs

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Chairs

Most of the advantages of electronic chairs are based on their convenience and accuracy. Electronic chairs, for example, have high-precision control. Their systems are resistant to temperature changes and can likewise adapt to these changes. The System give dentists the ability to adjust and reposition with great accuracy.

Electronic systems also have pre-programmed settings for seat settings that eliminate manual adjustments and improve time management.

More importantly, most electric units are actually more affordable than hydraulic units. They also require less maintenance as you won’t have to worry about hydraulic fluid leaks and oil maintenance. This requires less downtime during repairs.

Electromechanical systems have safety precaution settings such as actuators that lock the seat in case of sudden power cuts to prevent accidents.

Other advantages are that electric chairs can support various weight ranges, are easy to install and are environmentally friendly.

On the other hand, electronic systems can also have disadvantages. For example, overheating can be a problem, especially since the system uses electronic components. This may also depend on the location where the system is installed. A clinic with proper airflow or air conditioning is recommended to combat this problem. Electronic unit systems can also be prone to electrical damage. It is recommended to add a surge protector to the system in case of electrical surges. If a large power surge occurs in the dental chair, it can fry some components and lead to costly repairs.

Hospitallium has been Turkey’s leading manufacturer of dental chairs and hospital furniture since 2005.

If you are looking for the best dental chair supplier in Turkey, look no further than Hospitallium Hospital Furnitures.


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